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ProposalsFundingLandscapingPromotion and CommunicationNews


May 1994
Letter to Elizabeth Sisam and Proposal

May 1994
Jim Hodgins Proposal Brief

October 1994
Species list and cost

1993 to 1995
Landscape Committee Agendas and Meetings 1993 to 1995

January 17, 1995
Memorandum of Agreement Design Team, Program of Landscape Architecture

June 12, 1996
Letter to Ann Zimmerman re: ZooWoods and the St. George Street project

Habitat 2000 Application For Funding


February 24, 1994 to June 28, 1995
Application Letters and Funding Proposals

June 29, 1994
UofT Department of Botany Funding Decision

January 29, 1995
List of Donors to Garden

January 30, 1995 to – March 3, 1995
Tree Plan Canada Applications

March 6, 1995
Fax to MNR – funding request with purpose, drawings, species list and costs

March 30, 1995
Fax from Tree Plan Canada – unlikely that your submission will be funded

April 3, 1995
Funding request letter

April 18, 1995
Evergreen School Ground Naturalization funding application and rejection letter

May 1, 1995
Tree Plan Canada and the Evergreen Foundation application and acceptance letter


The Buried Streams of Toronto

Naturalistic Landscaping

Naturalist Landscapes

Naturalistic Landscaping at the Earth Science Centre

July 28, 1994
Sourcing Trees at Sheridan Nurseries memo

October 3, 1994
Initial Designs for RWZL Garden – draft letter with corrections

October 5, 1994
Initial Designs for RWZL Garden and correspondence

October 4, 1994 to September 20, 1995
Construction Letters, Invoices and Receipts

September 1994
Altona Plant Rescue volunteers, species list, location maps and correspondence

November 4, 1994
Soil Test Report

January-February 1995
Design Proposals

February 13, 1995
Chronology of Events with Landscape Architecture

April 1995
Letter to D.W. Lang re: St. George St. Naturalistic Landscaping – Job Description – Participants

May 1, 1995 to August 1, 1995
Species List and Invoices

Promotion and Communication

Zoology Landscaping Committee Name search

ZOOWOODS Tour Brochure – draft copy with notes

Garden Opening plan and attendees

Recommended Scenes For Zoology Dept. Landscape Project Video

Landscape Committee and Consultants 1993 – 1994

Community Wildlife Involvement Program (CWIP) brochure

November 12, 1993
Landscaping Committee Invite to David Crombie Talk on The Waterfront Regeneration Trust

December 3, 1993
Naturalistic Landscaping Talk with Larry Lamb and Invitees

December 6, 1993
George Hargreaves Talk ad for “The New Landscape Aesthetic”

August 24, 1994
Draft Letter to Prichard

September 1994
Invitation To Tree Planting Ceremony Letters

September 2, 1994
Tree Planting Invitation Draft Letter

October 3, 1994
Letters to Ron Pansino re: landscaping design

April 1995
Zoowoods Presentation at Simcoe Hall – list of items

April 30, 1995
Eco Gardens at U of T – Maple/Beech Forest (ZooWoods), Boreal Forest, Carolinian Forest, Oak Savanna/Tall Grass Prairie

May 14, 1995
Wildlife Garden Tour brochure – seven private, two public gardens, includes ZooWoods

August 1995
Letter of Appreciation and Thank You letters

August 8, 1995
Reverend Bob Moran letter – congratulations on a great initiative

August 31, 1995
Invitation to Dr. Roberta Bondar to attend Zoowoods Opening Ceremony

September 12,1995
ZOOWOODS Lunch – invitation and tickets

September 15, 1995
ZOOWOODS Opening Invitation

September 21, 1995
ZooWoods logo approval letter

December 1995
Christmas Flyer – advertising stocking stuffers for sale, Ceramic mugs, Hats and Computer Mouse Pads


A Landscaping Update

Fall 1991
The Faculty Registrar Newsletter

December 6, 1993
Standing room only at Naturalistic Landscape Seminar – draft for Zoonews

September 15, 1994
The Zoology Landscape Committee Needs You!

February 2, 1995
Historic Forest To Be Replanted at UofT

Spring 1995
4R Environment – Zoology’s Forest Garden

May, August and September, 1995
Fund Raising and Plant Rescues

September 21, 1995
U of T Greenspace Replaces “Biological Desert”

September 25, 1995
Jim Hodgson Letter to the editor about Jim Hodgins

October 2, 1995
The Bulletin – Bridge Building Article

November 1998
A Brief Report on ZooWoods

April 6, 2006
The Varsity – In Zoo Woods, a Silent Spring – what went wrong